Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Crow Reboot; An Update

Both io9 and Superherohype! are providing info on the possible upcoming Crow reboot:

Ryan Kavanaugh, the producer behind the upcoming Brothers, is currently overseeing the development of Stephen Norrington's franchise reboot of The Crow.

He tells io9 that Norrington's script is now in the tweaking stage and that everyone should know it is not a direct remake of the Brandon Lee-starring film. "We're just relaunching it and making it with a much more present day character, someone more relatable to everybody."

The makeup will very much be different from the Crow visage we've come to know (and which has become a year-to-year Halloween costume favorite). Also, as far as casting goes, "It will be an actor you've heard of, yes. We're not ruling anything out. We're looking at both, with the very well known and the 'very talented but they may not be quite there yet.'"

The Crow isn't even a greenlit film yet, but it's sounding like it will be in a matter of months.
What do I think?
Personally, I'm terrified of this; unless this is going to really try to be it's own thing, perhaps trying to create a more direct adaption of James O'Barr's original story, which I'd be fine with I suppose.

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